Showing posts with label Social Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Media. Show all posts

Monday, December 12, 2016

5 Tips from the experimenter to the success of websites

"My mail small Kanta," so he answered a friend , when I asked him about the reason for great interest in location - mail, and then I learned from him that that site informational simple was a key reason for the improvement of his income dramatically, but not very interested in doing what he came to such a success, then discovered through my conversation with him some of the experiences that were absent me owner novice site, and with the application became apparent to me other facts and experience I think that the figure is not a small fraction of the site owners do not know the importance of not taking the initiative to apply; in this article , the most important of these experiences and that will make your website the conduct of The road to success .

1 - Does your site content renewed on an ongoing basis?

Visitors come to your site is not for anything in it except the content you offer, and when talking about web content that comes to mind to care about two things :

Content and its importance to the visitor quality .Content renewed on an ongoing basis .

Content and its importance to the visitor quality

Content and its importance to the visitor quality

The idea is to offer a great quality for visitors content and is interested in the novelty of ideas, and then divide the article into paragraphs, and add to it some of the pictures and videos, and explains in a simple everything the information, and reiterates that in all your website content, so the offerings of eligible content to be displayed , whether visitors or in an advanced position in the search engines .

Renewal of content on an ongoing basis

Renewal of content on an ongoing basis

At the beginning of his position, he offers exclusive content of great quality on a continuous basis, the number of visitors is increasing, and their association with this Web site has increased, and it was the bounce rate is very low (which was visitors spend a lot of time to browse the articles published and this is one factor of the most important factors that used by search engines to identify content values of not - value content), and when the owner of the site for publishing stops, visitors become walk into the site to learn about new, Vigoda old articles as they are Vinsahbun immediately; thus , bounce rate increased, and began some of the articles is arranged in the search engines at least ; it began losing visitors, and it was right that the solution is to add another new content on an ongoing basis, and then the number of visitors began to return to what it was .

Conclusion : From the above it is clear that the content you offer any kind: articles, videos, Anfujravek, graphic images, all types of content offered on your site should be of great quality and be directed to a specific category already know, and should continue to add content in this way values to your site constantly so accustomed visitors can find your site in a new article a day or every three days or a week at most. If you have time to produce this on your own content, the option of hiring independent through self - employment platforms Good choice, will help to diversify the content and the opportunity to find a book can attach them to your team later, just prior calculates your budget .

2 - Does your site fast browsing?

Does your site fast browsing?

Put yourself in the place when the visitor browses a site, and imagine with me that the site is taking a long time to open, and when he opened a pop - up window appears, then when the visiting window open to him canceled New repented, what the visitor will remain in such a position?

We are in the era of speed, we do everything quickly, eat quickly so as not to be late to work, and act quickly , because many businesses, we read quickly because there is no time; so your site should be is a quick one so that the visitor to browse your site in less than four seconds on a greater appreciation .

The most important reasons that make browsing the site is slow?

Coding bad location and cause programming errors are many, and frequently this error in locations that have special programming .Extravagant in the use of large - sized images, yes we mentioned that the article must contain pictures and videos, but a certain amount and if you add some salt to the food to sweeten the taste and make it acceptable and beautiful; the increased severity is unacceptable ? .Use many extras software, and frequently this error to users of scripts that allow the powers to install a software add - on, such as JavaScript codes famous WordPress; where browser to open the site sends requests to open all the files related to the page (You CSS , Files JavaScript , ... Etc.) takes a long time before it is open the whole site .Bad web hosting major reason for the slow speed of the site; therefore , you must choose the appropriate hosting of the possibilities needed by your site .

3 - Does your site is suitable for all screens?

Does your site is suitable for all screens?

With the proliferation of smartphones has become everyone owns a smartphone it can have access to the Internet, and of course you know that the smartphone screen sizes vary from one phone to another are varied, Add to this that some users depends on the lap, which is the other has different sizes of screens, in addition to personal computers you know size screen in advance. This diversity of sizes screens imposed on major websites and companies that mean the Internet ( Google ) To impose in turn need to be an appropriate location for each screen as a factor made the site in search engines .

The above does not mean that the sites disproportionate with the screens will not vocations visitors, but in practice you will lose visitors gradually , especially users of smartphones because someone will not tolerate browsing untidy site and confusing, it would be easiest thing to do is press a button to return to the search engine to open other results and I think you know that the number of smartphone users is approximately equal to50 percent of visitors to any site .

4 - Do you run a serious marketing campaign?

Do you run a serious marketing campaign?

Jump to the Facebook page for the site and the publication of a pamphlet it is not in my view marketed serious but it is only one step in the marketing process; Plan of good marketing must contain a marketing plan adequate social network to the idea of your site and followed by another social network less attention; for example , that the site specializes in providing educational courses, the first concern should be the post on YouTube and Facebook .

The good marketing plan also contains a plan for the search engines for a specific issue and specific words but should be in the plan SEO To be a specific target group carefully and not simply apply the rules without the knowledge of or interest. This is in addition to the importance of having a marketing plan through paid advertisements as advertisements Facebook or Google....  months as ad networks and most influential .

5 - a priority for the visitor and everything needed

a priority for the visitor and everything needed

This advice may be the bottom tips of all, or you can be considered a law going for it if you want your website to succeed; The visitor is a fundamental goal that you need, and because the visitor a priority, all that needs to be important, such as renewable content is a big quality, and that the site is easy and fast browsing. Also the basics needed to be needed by the visitor derive its importance from the visitor, for example , the site should be fast because the visitor wants to browse the site quickly and easily , and so as not to alienate him, but the site is quickly he basically needs to choose a good host, and a commitment to global standards in design , ... etc. .

If you applied the previous five tips especially the fifth and legally committed to going for it on your website, there is no doubt that you will achieve success in the near future. This was the point of my humble to the success of the web in general, what is your point of view you're going to Web sites on the right path towards success?


Friday, December 9, 2016

If you've launched a new project by independently to hire a professional to get your work done, you most likely have tried bewilderment at the right of independent choice, sometimes you can puzzling you as an entrepreneur projects so that they cannot choose an independent even end up sometimes close the project without hiring an independent to serve him. Learn as an entrepreneur projects that your time is often tight and gone ahead to choose among dozens of people will be draining to him, Learn as an entrepreneur projects that your time is often tight and gone ahead to choose among dozens of people will be draining to him, as well as spend this time in full without any independent choice at all. We'll help you here with some tips that will make it easier for you is that it has come to mean more to you as an entrepreneur projects independently.
The importance of employment for entrepreneur’s rate

employ the best independent

Independents also a time of fear drained in applying for projects where one will not be hired, and therefore become able to see the employment of the entrepreneur to let them know he was serious and his ability to independently choose a suitable 
rating. When the independent project finds its owner does not have a high rate of hiring is not likely to make a presentation on the project even though it was more efficient for fear of wasting his time to no avail. And as an entrepreneur interested in projects to attract the largest number of An independent project to raise the employment rate is a factor you have to be interested in him to do it. Here are tips for you to choose the best independents to work on your project.

        1 -  First row, you need in your project carefully

Select what you want from the project in principle and the requirements without going into too much detail, what are your needs? 
What's the purpose of the project and the goal of it? What is the ultimate do you see him? These questions will facilitate you a lot in the beginning and when describing your project.
Prefer to do some research about the quality of similar projects and what are the skills that you can put the required skills factor into account when making your decision to choose among independents so.

          2-   Start exhibition of independent work.
Before reading any independent display went to the gallery and its browsing to ensure its ability to implement the project to bring back quality. Whatever the advantages, benefits, and presentations by independent, do not benefit from an independent choice of everything it has only quality. As long as the primary goal is quality must be verified attention location foremost.
While you're on Business Exhibition Independent interested in understanding you are dealing with. Is it providing a high interest in all the work presented by the addition of an accurate description and picture adequate and the remaining options such as history and skills? Or is it not seem to you most of passionate work displayed? Did you speak with confidence about what his mother in the description box appears confident in its ability to implement the projects? Do you look professional in the implementation? Do you follow new trends in their respective fields, if any, or is it related to he old ways of working?

      3- The difference between features and benefits.

Not all that glitters is gold. And not everything that is independent it might be helpful. Teams as you read the text of the independent display between the advantages offered by and benefits. The advantages are what for most of them in their respective fields to submit them with some 
diligence, such as salary or text file explains how to use the work presented upon delivery. While the supposed benefits offered by independent be alone with her and fully mastered neater. If it offers you an analysis of your site contains measured to test the use of twenty users targeted him. Or to give you an audio recording of a smooth and elegant..
I understand it will offer you independent. It shall be subject to the advantages of the benefits of it? Independent designer may expose deliver work files with all the formulas that such benefit, but they are actually an advantage over every independent designer must already provide. Appropriate independent is best placed to demonstrate the benefits of trusts can achieve.

     4-  Connecte with independents

Some entrepreneurs are required to add independent work is similar to asking their project in their shows before serving and they pose as a condition for consideration of any independent display as well as acceptance. If you do it as an entrepreneurial project  from your right - you may encounter an independent, not presented the required work in his gallery had been replaced with a request correspondent for display. It sought an excuse for an independent that did it. It may be the work that would like to offer you a little secret and cannot offer a public at this time. It took advantage of this correspondence chance to get to know some of the independents more than it helps brings you closer to the independent choice of the ideal.

      5- Appropriate independent of time and price discovered.

Many employers look at the time and price before you interested in other fundamental factors as Exhibit business, for example. This concept of the entrepreneur owned a strict budget or time tight. But the entrepreneurs of these two things to remember during the act. The first is the quality, price and time trilogy, it is known that it is rare that the tripartite available in a separate one offer. However, the possible is to choose two of these triple and sacrifice 
If you're looking for a low price and a short time you will abandon its high quality, and you probably do not want to do so. The best options of you are sacrificing time. Certainly, it will not sacrifice a great sacrifice. It does not mean a low price beside the high quality that the independent will take months to complete what is one week. But simple sacrifice of great benefits.
The second thing is that the presentation is logical sincere better for you than the offer that seems perfect without being before that honest or logical. Programmable responsive bilingual site and ten pages and a control panel require a higher price than twenty-five dollars for sure. I saw the poses of this price is not quick to accept the offer before actually making sure that it is able to implement it at this price cheapness or expect low quality.
The same thing applies to the time. The bottom line here is that if you've seen from the budget over a little bit of your time or a few days there is no rush to exclude currently. And thought given to it again as an honest person does not want your promise what he 
cannot do.

       6- Qualities text displays that show you the appropriate independent.

Text display is what he writes in the Independent box display description when applying. It is a key factor equal to the importance of the technical offer (price and time) or more than her sometimes.
Fame written by independent recognizes him more. You will know that he is confident of the same or not? You will know if he could understand what is required or not? Though the project depends on the language skills of independent introduced the text would be the most important factors in choosing an appropriate independent. The Independent was advancing to the project for the codification and currently is full of spelling errors and grammatical it is clear that it would not be appropriate for you.

       7- See ratings and recommendations of former clients to resolve 
the order

Having seen the exhibition of independent work and details of text and artistic presentation in front of you the option of remaining votes to resolve the order. Read the evaluation and care of the text next to it more than the digital side. The number of stars, of course important, but more important is the realistic impression to customers, which will not be seen from the number of stars, but also will show more than their words. Do they seem fascination of Independents? Do you look for them courtesy of morality that her tenth during their dealings with him? Focused on the aspects that speak Focused on the aspects that speak assessments about them, whether it is moral or quality, for example? Morality is required, of course, but you are looking for quality as a key factor next approach.

8-  waiver of excessive idealism!

Finally, remember that you will not 
find, no matter what looked perfect man. So the ideal independent of the low price and fast time and high-quality, high-end, morality, loyalty and sacrifice is rare. We did not find him among those who submit to the project do not despair of its implementation as you wish. But choose the closest to the ideal independent so. And helped him with advice and your instructions as to make that ideal I dreamed that give a presentation on the project.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

What easier creation of an electronic shop and make it a success harder then what the most difficult to maintain his success; if you want to create an online store in a few minutes to managed it, but you will be this store assistant you to meet your orders and achieve your goal's You will store this list among the few that survived the waves of competition became a bunker for those who wish to purchase over the Internet, or will be among the many category that has been lost amid competing e-commerce?
The things that should be developed by the monument many eyes, though plentiful, are not a problem at all, but it resulting from any error is the biggest dilemma influence, and in this issue does not only focus on the mistakes that should be avoided when creating an online store, but also bear in mind the statement cause and effect and the method of solution.

10 mistakes to avoid when creating an electronic shop

1 - Do you imitate 

Tradition is not a defect, especially if there is a need for the existence of a snob Store, for example, the idea of a shop selling handicrafts operating in the Western state and unavailable in your country Vetofarha you. The mimicry just tradition without having a clear vision of the goals and carefully considered, this is the beginning of the road to failure, not success, what use is that there are dozens of stores that offer the same products, but the competition as long as there is the possibility of diversity and make a profit.
So the idea must evolve far beyond the tradition of the stage to become the explanation and analysis of what went through other electronic stores of previous success or failure and learn from it and apply it to store mail.
They also must choose the idea Store and commitment and work on the development; if the idea was born of an ambitious internal will and deliberate plan, let your own style and distinctive character from the others, and will not stand out from others only after the 
Tdershm and made pursuant to the best of them, or at least a better idea of their ideas.

2 - Do you choose the best ingredients for your 

The first step after the idea is always in order to create e-store, or choose a domain name for the site, choose the appropriate hosting, choosing the script, which will use the store and then choose a template, we have discussed steps to build an electronic commerce site before, and we will repeat here that should have improved choice of components that It will depend on your store-mail so as not many problems; for example, if you choose a bad host special for your site will be subjected to stop and continued loss of visitors.

3 - Is your store electronic safe and 

3 - Is your store electronic safe and realizable

Everyone will not deal with you only after the trust in your 
store-mail and ensure their rights, and this indisputable fact, and therefore the creation of a secure site is meant to tell the visitors were driven from my site only. It is true that there are a small group of buyers love the adventure has been experimenting with the purchase, but the vast majority of people this is not his habit, what do you do to make a secure store
• Use 
https encryption system instead of HTTP
• Develop a policy and the policy of the use of clear privacy
• Set clear rules for how to handle and explains how to protect user rights
• must be included communicating information like a phone number, 
email, address the ground, set up a special department for technical support as well as prefer to respond to queries from visitors.
• Use strong host layers provide the protection is much better than the common 
• It is preferable to make the 
e-store to view all products, while payment methods depends on if the external site PayPal in the purchase or other famous sites, use buyers for such safe means to pay them to provide faster on the purchase.

4 - Is the product information 

Product information we mean everything related to the product of the written description, images, videos and illustrations, if any, as well as the comments of previous buyers and their experiences with store-mail as it is without the falsification of the facts or blur for some of them.
As for product specifications describe the transfer of products from other stores a bad thing, and should be to write a new description and will only considers you a search engine and the visitor communicator and will deal with the rest of the store, such as department stores. When typing a description it should be enough description so that the buyer makes a decision on the structure and the less you have requests for returns.
As for the pictures, it is necessary to use high quality, or at least clear and pale Pictures, and must use many images are specific to each product as Exhibit visitor not need to look for more specifications of the product outside the store. Also, if able to add explanatory videos of the product would be something special.
Also tried to encourage the buyer to assess if need be to operate system of incentive; shall give them gifts in exchange for their evaluations or discount coupons or what you see fit, but beware to ask the visitor to assess your site in a positive way because the visitor might lose confidence in your store and that agreed to offer and then things are not normal and accept criticism as buyers without hiding any part of the truth and then visitors will respect you will trust your own the store.

5 - Is simple and convenient site 

Not too much decoration, do not go overboard in the design and in the use of colors, fonts, as much as possible Make your site simple comfortable quickly; so do not get tired of visiting your store and be forced to leave the store was going to another store.
Mark quiet colors, fonts suitable for the eye with the ability to zoom in and out by visiting needed. And I agree with the design of World Records standards in design; the site shall be fast, compatible with smart phones, plain and simple.

6 - Does your store is compatible with smart 

6 - Does your store is compatible with smart phones?

It became coercion on each site owner that brews its smart phones due to the large deployment of up to about half the number of users, because the phones do not leave the man they are with him wherever he went. I will not go too long to explain this component because of the clarity of its importance.

7 - Is the user experience with an ideal 

Improve the user experience became the imposition of other assignments in all aspects of e-commerce; therefore spend much of the giant sites consuming and paying large sums of money to understand the user and the method of disposal and like what he does not like, and featured analyzes of different sites methods more accurate monitors user and recorded what he is doing on your video and goal that the user understands came to him the information in an appropriate manner to him whenever possible.
It is improving the Site menu Home user experience that reach of the main sections and into the 
subsections of the site, the search box is also one of the important things that are indispensable for each site.

8 - Have you ever stopped for 

Marketing is not the goal of an end, but a permanent repetition means, and should not in any way that does not stop marketing before creating the 
store and after its launch, the following elements are very important in the marketing of your store-mail:
The existence of a private store's blog to discuss and educate users on the use of the site and matters relating to that from near or from afar.
Presence on social networks.
Presence in specialized forums and in specialized subject of product positioning.
Unstop to build a good reputation of the store, and can do that job training and ongoing marketing and advertising courses to build trust between the store and the user.
Provide promotional offers from time to time and in events such as competitions, discounts, and additional gifts.
Also read: the Golden Rule in marketing .. People are not stupid

9 - Is the choice of work well done 

Team work is the hands that work out what you want, if chosen in a hasty manner is a cause temporary failure so choose the right people. And you'll find in this article, "How to be a team to work 
remotely" Fantastic tips on how to choose your team.

10 - common mistakes when creating an electronic shop

In this element often collected from the elements that we talked about other 
element did not talk about it in the form of points, and we are pleased to have discussions about any of them in the comments:
No detailed and sufficient information about the product
The number of user images with a few product
The quality of the images used low
Small size of the images the user
Transfer photos and descriptions of other electronic stores
Site bad design
Slow site is loaded
The site is responsive to smartphones
The site is not configured internally well for search engines
Lack of holistic products for shipping expenses in the event the product is materially
Undeceived and payment methods
Lack of clarity in the policies pursued within the Store
No blog
There are no technical support center
Having explained the mistakes that you should avoid note that Ward error and it is likely to experience other risks, but if you follow the above tips will ensure at least a shop electronically able to compete and challenge, what is the mistake that will work to fix it 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

10 Companies That Totally Rock Customer Service on Social Media

The way you interface with your clients can positively represent the moment of truth your business. Particularly now, in the time of social networking — word spreads snappier than you can envision, and all it takes is a couple of awful encounters to demolish your business' notoriety.

To stay aware of the times, its imperative that your business has incredible client administration, and much all the more along these lines, a captivating social networking system that is prepared to handle client administration issues too. Don't simply let your Facebook page or Twitter record be a spot to impart your substance — make it a stage where your clients and perusers can understand open to arriving at to you (great or terrible), realizing that they'll get a reaction.

Not certain where to begin? These 10 organizations make an extraordinary showing of overseeing client benefit on their online networking records. Take after their lead, and you'll be shaking social networking presently.


Aerial transports are no more bizarre to client protestations, so it may come as an astound that Airasia (and Jetblue, as well) has made this rundown. Nonetheless, Airasia's Facebook vicinity is extraordinary, and the organization goes the additional mile to verify they answer to the same number of remarks as it can — and with near to 3 million likes, that is a considerable measure to stay aware of. Airasia reacts to client request with supportive Web pages and guidance, and is constantly benevolent and charming in its answers, whether its the center of the work day or the center of the night. The organization likewise runs a ton of fun advancements, in the same way as its "Free Seats Challenge," which gives 12 winning clients a year of free seats on flights.


Jetblue sees how essential it is to captivate with glad clients, as well as to rapidly issue comprehend and react to clients who are disappointed with their administration. Granted, its not difficult to impart great input on your page, however a couple of wrong moves can do genuine harm. Jetblue makes it a point to react to clients who @mention them, as well as to clients who discuss the brand all in all yet didn't label it in the post. This implies that the organization's online networking group is likely following and checking pivotal words and important hashtags also, so they can discover and react to more clients — a key methodology that each organization ought to be utilizing. [great Customer Service Is Key to Free Publicity ]


With more than 4 million supporters on Twitter, to say Nike has an enormous social after is putting it mildly. The organization perceives exactly how paramount client administration is, particularly on social networking, which is the reason Nike made a different Twitter account only for reacting to client request and issues: @nikesupport. Nike Support is committed to all things client administration, making it less demanding for clients to connect when they have an issue or an inquiry they need replied. What's more Nike Support is exceptionally dynamic, and like different organizations with incredible online networking client administration, brisk to react. In the event that you take a gander at the account's Twitter channel, you'll see answers each few minutes. This shows clients that they can trust Nike to give them the help they require, when they require it.


In case you're not officially emulating Seamless on Twitter, you ought to change that immediately. The prevalent online nourishment administration organization has one of the best social networking systems out there. Consistent's Twitter record is fun, interesting and foodie-accommodating, and shares everything from mouth-watering nourishment photography to diverting sustenance quips and images. The organization additionally habitually imparts rebate codes on its sustain. Past that, on the other hand, Seamless has a stellar client administration methodology, and is brisk to react to grumblings or site slips. Your lunch request is an hour late? Not to stress — tweeting at Seamless will quite often gather a reaction and they'll bail you make sense of where your nourishment is when they can. Site down? The organization's social networking group tells all of Twitter when it will be move down, or in any event that they're dealing with it as quick as possible. Also in the event that you have positive input to impart, Seamless will likewise react with an extraordinary comical inclination — they'll likely even tail you back, as well.


Shutterstock makes an extraordinary showing of imparting captivating and applicable posts on Twitter — particularly photography — yet the stock picture organization's online networking vicinity is more than simply a food of clickable substance. Shutterstock's online networking group makes it a point to interface with other people who offer important substance, and handles both contrary and constructive input rapidly and with elegance (and even a comical inclination when fitting). Shutterstock additionally tells clients what division the organization is sending their input to so they know they're helping change. For instance, in cases when clients discover botches in photographs, Shutterstock's social networking group reacts furthermore passes the data on to the specialists, so the pictures can be altered and resubmitted. The organization has likewise been known to react to clients with diverting stock pictures, the way other Twitter clients may impart Gifs or images.


Starbucks knows how to shake both Facebook and Twitter regarding client administration. The espresso monster is dynamic and snappy to react to client inquiries and protestations on its Facebook page, and is captivating and fun with its clients on Twitter, as well. Starbucks knows when to bring the identity to its answers, and when to keep down and be proficient, indicating clients that the brand is both friendly and element. What's more, in the same way as Nike, Starbucks additionally began a different Twitter record called @mystarbucksidea as an extra approach to captivate with clients. This record, while less dynamic than Starbucks' principle Twitter record, is a spot where clients can submit and talk about thoughts to greatly improve the situation.


T-Mobile is known for being captivating with clients over its online networking stages, and for having a charming and affable social vicinity. Also, a 2012 study by online networking bits

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Create Your Content and Beat Writers Block: Top 7 Tips

Hello Training Series Member,

Here is the next edition of the Training Series: An Introduction to Article Writing and Marketing.

Here are some helpful tips to help you source content for new articles:
  1. Old Ezine Articles: This includes your archives for articles that you have sent your ezine from the past 10+ years. If you've created multiple articles for each email newsletter issue, we recommend that you break your old ezine articles into single article chunks rather than multi-topic articles. If you have large ezine articles from your email newsletter archive, consider breaking them down into 400-750 word chunks rather than 1,000-3,000 word articles.
  2. Old Original Forum Posts: If you've been on the Internet for some time, there is a good chance you belong to a few forums that you might call yourself a "resident expert" on. All of your old forum posts that are greater than 400 words in length will make great new articles that you can put into distribution to create more traffic and sales for your business, and enhance your credibility.
  3. Old Blog Posts: The whole point of blogging, besides posting frequently, is that you can easily syndicate your blog for others to read via the RSS reader of their choice. Because of the syndication orientation of blogging, your blog posts that read greater than 400 words make great articles that you can slap on a longer title, add a resource box that pitches your blog website and put a fast 250+ articles into immediate distribution.
  4. Out of Date Books: Are you the author of a book no longer in print? If you own the copyrights to it, this is an excellent place to create hundreds of quality articles with just a short period of editing.
  5. Current e-Books: Take 10%-20% of your hottest selling e-Books and flip into articles designed to entice your reader into wanting the complete e-Book. You still need to deliver real content value here and not get skimpy or tease them with "what they could learn if they bought your e-Book." Keep the articles short, with bulleted or small numbered lists.
  6. Top 10 or Top 7 Articles: Everyone likes content they can read very fast. Why not create top 10 lists (or any number of "Top" things) related to your niche area of expertise. To begin, just create a headline such as "Top 7 Leaders Strategies For Newbie Managers" and then number the list from 1-7. Come up with a sub-headline for each tip and then do (1) paragraph describing the tip. You'll find these are easy to produce and crank out 5-10 of them per day.
  7. Keyword Research: Google Suggest or any keyword research tool can discover topics that people are currently searching for that are related to your expertise. Use this as a springboard to launch another 25 articles that are 400-750 words, each related to answering or providing short tips on how to solve or get more out of the keywords they searched for.

    Example: "Yoga" when entered into Google Suggest tells me that I should write articles about "Yoga Journals or Journaling" and about proper form or different types of "Yoga Poses."
The next edition of the EzineArticles Training Series: An Introduction to Article Writing and Marketing will answer the question: "What Are Article Publishers Looking For"?

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