Among the elements that allow you to optimize the SEO of your website, you will find the permanent link (permanent link). These constructions of URL available on WordPress exist in several formats, where the importance of choosing the structure adapted to your needs.
To better understand the role of permanent link and choose a relevant structure, encoder offers you its decryption…
1- What are permanent link?
The permanent link, define themselves as a URL that points to an internet page, whatever the developments in the structure of the site. They therefore allow you to create a sustainable link to your content, as well as a solid S.E.O.
However, thanks to their automatic creation, from a custom structure, you have the possibility to boost your positioning on the relevant requests.
2- Analysis of the various proposed structures
On WordPress, the structure enabled by default for the permanent link does not allow you to optimize your referencing, because it offers a suite of digit. The latter indicates no information to search engines! You will therefore need to choose among the following structures:
The structure “Category and Title” : This format has the objective to prioritize the content of an Internet site. Visitors can select the article that interests in function of the category in which it is classified. This structure also allows you to insert multiple keywords in your URL, which promotes your referencing.
The structure date and title: This permanent link very frequently used by the sites that deal with the news and whose traffic is very important. The URL reveals the exact date on which the article was published, to allow information to be located in its context. Referencing level, it is of no interest to the sites or blogs that are not naturally referenced by Google News. It is therefore not recommended for a business.
The structure “month and title” : it generates URL shorter than the “date and title.” It is very often used by the online press, but has very little interest in the conventional businesses.
The structure%postname%” : it is very appreciated by users of Word Press, because it allows generating short URL that is easy to remember. This format simply replicates the title of the article, the words being separated by a dash. This structure is perfect to optimize its natural referencing, particularly if your securities obey rules SEO. By contrast, it is not proposed by default by the CMS. It must be configure itself in the section “Custom structure”.
3- Make the best choice
Your choice must be carried out according to the type of content that you publish. For a company that has no link with the news, it is preferable to opt for the structure “%postname%” which allows getting the URL short and easy to remember. In addition, they are widely favored by the search engines, thanks to their eloquence. With these links, the robots immediately detect the subject of the article.
Some bloggers prefer to use the structure “Category and Title” to allow Internet users to navigate more easily within the same universe. This option is effective only when the name of the category is short and significant. In addition, in function of the indexing settings that you determined under WordPress, this structure encourages the duplicate content. Attention to its use!Permanent links-wordpress.p.n.g
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4- Additional tips for URL S.E. O Friendly
From the point of view of SEO, the structure of your permanent link is essential. To be effective, it must be simple and understandable. When a user enters a query on Google, the search engine offers 4 elements of information:
The title of the article,
Its date of publication
The description of the content
The permanent link
These elements were designed to help the user to quickly select the content that it research. In other words, the content which seems to make a precise answer to his query. To boost the positioning of your links and convince the user to click, remember to:
Favor a short URL, with less than 100 characters Use Keywords in your URL
Prefer the traits of union as separator Avoid the use of “stop words "in your URL ('a' 'an' The., and…)
Keep the structure of your permanent link after publication
Under WordPress the structure of ideal permanent link depends on the published content. However, in general, it is recommended to use the structures “post name” and “Category and Title” that allow you to prioritize your content. They promote your SEO while being useful to Internet users.
It only remains for you to check your permanent link in part “Settings” of WordPress !
If the referencing of your website is an issue for you, please do not hesitate to read more counsel s.e.o on our blog.
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